City Lights
"The lights are so bright but they never blind me." — Taylor Swift
New York City and Prakshi have a special relationship. It is where she studied design and more often than not, found herself gazing at the skyline in the night lights. It felt surreal, it felt magical. She could dream in the city that never sleeps. Those lights struck like fireflies in her heart.
There is something breathtaking about the way we feel when we see city lights gleaming through brisk nights. They draw us together no matter where we reside. This collection is a manifestation of the same. A collection of fine jewels that finds beauty in simplicity using unconventional shapes of diamonds. Each piece has its own interpretation of the scattered, sparkling city lights. This versatile collection is completely handcrafted and perfect for any occasion. It ranges from the distinct ear jackets to simple stackable rings and pendants for everyday wear.
Night lights ne’er fail to mind’s eye ignite
All shadows fall prey to the gleam and bright
The jungle concrete sits unique in form
Its structures bejeweled, strangers to norm
No words are wrought to aptly define
So hands are brought to rightly design
To bring to light, to set her alight
So springs to life, that portrait of night